what's up with my life? it's in a TOTAL mess. absolutely. sch is pissing me off so much. papers start like 2 wks from now n next wk still have report due. wtf! im so irritated! what kinda system is this?! not as if the semester's not cramped up enough. giving slackers like me one week break to piah will die isit?! bloody hell! URGH! i juz wanna SCREAM.life. it's been too dull for liking. nothing to look forward to. nothing. void. emptiness. should really put a stop to some things. no time nor energy to think about it anymore. sometimes i find the view from jurong east mrt station in the night quite nice. it's usually windy too. tonight it made me really wanna go to the beach...feeling the gentleness of the sea breeze against my faceclaming the nerveslistening to the melancholy of the wind with the heartbe comforted by the stars' companion from abovefeeling safebe at ease as darkness conceals everything else. a haven in need.
as requested by chui, here's a new entry. haha..
from the song THE WORSE DAY EVER by Simple Plan
Yesterday was the worse day ever
And tomorrow won't be any better
It's history repeating on and on...
sounds familiar to me... hahhaha
Does knowing what’s right but not doing it makes it more rational then not knowing what to do and not doing it? Apparently not. Can’t seems to remember since when did this fire lose its flame. Seems that it’s been such a long time ago that it’s hard to recall how the touch of the flame felt. Triumph? Confidence? Pride? Can’t remember…Can’t remember when did this escapist got lost in her own world, allowing herself to be deluded by illusions or rather taught her mind to erase stuff that will hit her hard on the face. If it persists, she’ll never be able to get back to the real world. Even if she does, it’ll be real tough. Even now, it’s hard enough. She's perpetually tired. Probably tired of the herself. She’s tired of her obstinate self, which she very much detests. How sad can it gets when she can't face the reality and herself? 原來 最疼痛的表情竟是沒有情緒...原來 最悲傷的是我不能面對自己she urgently needs to get back.. before it's too late.

l love yam cake!
Ides of March
The ides of March- Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar! got reminded of Julius Caesar by ys juz now.. sec 3.. those were e lit days.. really miss it!ides of March.. fall of Caesar.. but I was born! haha. lemme see.. the first ppl who celebrated for me were my dear les cum ex squatter sab n my dear roomie, huiwen! haha. suprised me with a cake, which the candle just cant stay lighted, yesterday! haha.. according to sab, i'm easy to bluff.. thanx arh.. made it sound so real how i noe lor.. haha. though dage wasnt physically around, erm but his voice was la.. though e phone. thanx gers n dage too! my only free day but had to go sch for project! so i'm basically waking up at 630am tis whole week! URGH!! but the bday song my OB-mates sang to me made it up! haha. thnx peeps! =) ended project late.. erm.. due to the chatting too la.. so i ended up having to rush to town to meet hs n hf.. sry for making u gers wait so long.. sorry!!! though ys ended sch late.. but she still rushed down. it's been a long time since we all met together! haha.. they made a merry-go-round model with 4 bears on it for me! sooo cute!! thnx gers!!! *muackz* usually my parents will celebrate it during the wkend before, but tis time round didnt manage to. and so it stuck me that it's my mum who gave birth to me and i feel that tis day will mean alot to them as well, so i ought to leave the night with them. haha. and there goes the date with shu, chui n raf. miss you guys.. meet up soon! man man.. got the present u sent me.. thanx! miss ya too.. take care! dun too stress in hk! oh not forgetting the unique way of greeting my the roomates yp and vivi.. wahahah!! thnx everyone for reminding me abt not being a teenager anymore.. joining yp in the OLD FLOWER CLUB -_-" haha.. anywayz, last but not least.. to all my frens out there.. ur 'happy bday' really made my day. thanks! =) accounting quiz on fri!! =S
it's gonna be a crazy week. i don't like it. what a sad irony it is...
i don't like what is going on.
i don't like what is happening.
most of all, i don't like myself.
a fool who's too sure
a bird, who's lost her wing
a fire without it's flame...
a song without a soul
an empty shell
疯狂世界 (Mayday)如果说了后悔是不是一切就能倒退回忆多么美活着多么狼狈为什么这个世界总要叫人尝伤悲我不能了解也不想了解我好想好想飞逃离这个疯狂世界那么多苦 那么多累那么多莫名的泪水我好想好想飞逃离这个疯狂的世界如果是你发现了我也别将我挽回想了你一整夜再也想不起你的脸你是一种感觉写在夏夜晚风里面青春是挽不回的水转眼消失在指间用力的浪费 再用力的后悔我好想好想飞逃离这个疯狂世界那么多苦 那么多累那么多莫名的泪水我好想好想飞逃离这个疯狂的世界如果是你发现了我也别将我挽回
finally brought my Zen micro to repair.. but they changed another unit for me. doubt it's brand new though. let's take it as the same old Zennie of mine anywayz. it's gonna be a year old soon (13th Mar).. bought some accessories for it. =) though its performace not great neither is the touchpad, nonethelss it's still my darling, which accompanies me almost to everywhere i go. sometimes i'd rather listen to it den to talk. was really sucky when it didn't function well for the past few weeks. oh ya! i wanna complain the accessibility of Creative! why isn't it like any other brands where care center can be found in many locations?! it's so inconvenient for customers! took a bus there and realised there's a path from the train station there. even the bus stop was like a distance away from the building. -_- decided to walk back to the station and so i walked through this machiam long man-created path under the track of the train in the middle of a huge field, where no one will notice if anything ever happened until someone walks pass. *shakes head* anywayz i'm done with going there and hope will never have to go again.so many stuff's gonna due soon.. basically there's someting need to be done for each module lar. it's like gonna take up ALL of my early and free days! and it's gonna be exam soon! Urgh!!! Help!!! really gotto buck up manx! not gonna be bothered or affected by it anymore. ain't no more! no way! no!
many things piling up. thousand and one. i'm worried.
There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy.They say he wandered very far, very far,over land and sea.A little shy and sad of eyes,but very wise was he.And then one day, a magic day,he passed my way.And while he spoke of many things,fools and kings,his he said to me,"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return."- Moulin Rouge-
new reality show coming up on 20th March - So You Think You Can Dancefinally! finally a show on dance competition!! yay!!! anticipating.