Love them
Had a nice day(15 Mar)! Time passed by so fast. Can still vividly recall what happened at year ago on the same day. I guess it's really true that after 20, time passes really fast. Besides for school, ya you all know.. everything else was nice! first and foremost, I love my family. Espeically my parents! Love them loads! Mummy rejected her principal to go Changi for a course cos's she promised me dinner. =) And of cos' the necklace.. I'm not gonna take it off forever! Thanks Mom! Papa too! hehe..
Thanks my dear frens for giving me a pleasent suprise! Thanks babes! Seriously thought hf and hs was going to my hse to suprise me, but turned out that chui planned for them, as well as the rest, to be at Clark Quay's Central. First time being there, shall shop there someday. Went Billy Bombmers (hs LOVE it.. wahaha) cos' i said i wanted nice view and yea, quite nice river view there. haha. And i was saying, those are the people who are around me when i was 12 (even before that) and now being 21, those friends are still there. It's nice. Hope we can still be like this even when we're 81! And ys called from UK to wish me happy birthday!! Thanks ger!! *touched* Treasure your friends. =)
Oh yes, yips did a nice collage for me! hahah.. Thanks babe!! See see ->

Anywayz, ah san.. this is the bag hf n hs got for me.. i tell u ah.. there's a WOW factor within the bag.. show u when u come back huh?? lolx!
I gotto say Apple has really good delivery service. Firstly, it only took them 2-3days, after ordering, to deliver your stuff. Next, they'll msg you to find out first if you're home before making the delivery. And when my reply was "There's no one home. Is it possible for me to collect it from somewhere later in the day?", the reply was "Where are you?".. And they actually agreed to deliver to where I am. NTU. yes, Boon Lay. Although the courier happened to cover that area too, but still, it's the effort that they bother to deliver right to you. Yup, thumbs up! My lovely nano with it's pink sock. hehe. I still love my zen mirco too despite it being crazy. haha.
And of cos, I'll like to thank all my friends, thanks for all your well wishes and hope they'll all come true! And the wishes i made as well! haha. I realised many friends remembered and I really really appreciate it. On the other hand, I know I'm a lousy friend, who really have prob remembering my friends' birth dates.. I'm so sry! Thanks again!
I love so many people and so many things in my life. And yes, I'll learn to treasure everything in my life, and life itself as well.
21 years old.
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