Shifted to
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
歌手: 林忆莲
就像黑白 画面静止不动
过往的人群 那麽不清晰
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm back. Finally. PA's over!!! Finally!!! Omg what a long 10 weeks it had been. It's been quite sometime since I'm home on a Monday morning. Monday blues no more! =D It's such a nice and clam morning where I take things on my pace and do only things I desire. Perhaps not ONLY things which I desire cos' there are many things that need to be done such as the report and reading up for arp. But it's alright, at least I can stay up late in the nights again. Just a tiny bit of update here..
Dim Sum Dollies was GREAT! The settings, the acting, the vocals, the music and all was good! The tunes and lyrics were so catchy and funny esp the line "relax in a cor-ner!", which Chui and I just kept singing that line after the show! haha. And just like what chui said, local shows are always good cos the humour is so close to home. And it made also gave audiences a good laugh over some issues, which are often discussed in a serious tone.
Harry Potter was less than exciting, hence I shan't eleborate it any furthur. But it was really fun play taboo that night before the movie!
I shall stop here for now. Going Ikea with chui!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
haven't been blogging for a long time. there's nothing much that's going on actually. work, which is taking up a big portion of my time, is fine. but half of the time when i get home i'm already too tired for anything else and i'll sleep at like 11 plus. that's really early. the one thing that was really happening this week is a good news, which i shan't make a big announcement about. but i'm really happy for you darling. =)
just got back from mj-ing at charlie ah pek's place. i guess all the chocolate, muffin and cheese cake made us high on sugar and we were abit crazy while mj-ing. but the big winner aka ah pek was really nice and decided not to collect the debts. haha. while driving us out for dinner, there was a lizard at the screen wiper and ah pek was like "look at the wiper" then he just 'swept' the lizard off to the other side of the car with the wiper. ewwww. hate lizards! finally got the chance to try the famous bak chor mee at bedok. the default one is the soup kind unlike the normal ones where people usually have the dry ones. nice soup and meet balls. the stingray and chicken wings are not bad too.sab has the talent for baking!
celebrated zz's birthday on friday at Hooters and all i can say is that i'm not a big fan of that place. lol. on the journey back home with zz and karen, zz mentioned something about being emo and i said that's probably girls' best friend. haha. at least that's true for me. especially in the night. to me, being in the emo mode does not necessarily mean being upset. in fact i think it's not an upsetting thing. being emo is actually a chance to think about stuff and live in the world of your own momentarily. which isn't such a bad thing huh?
really feel like watching a movie and going HMV to just listen to songs and find a really nice album.
It's so gonna be a blue monday.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Not in the best of mood. Then again, since when have I been in the best of mood? Even I, myself, can't exactly remember when was the last time.
It's been a long time since exams ended and attachment started. I really do miss the days when I had more time to myself. Having more time to myself would mean more time for reflection, which I do all the time. Everywhere, anywhere. But one tends to get more emotional in the night. Working's tiring such that I sleep really early every night and before knowing it, it's time to set off for work once again. And this cycle just keep repeating itself. Perhaps that is the reason why people are who they are today. Many things that had happened, heard or seen had changed my opinions of many issues. Changed the way I see things. Some of which I have yet to get in terms with.
I really wish to indulge in the world of my own.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
First and foremost, I'll like to thank Prof Ralph for today. He's a nice guy.
Is there a limit to the number of sighs one can use in a lifetime? If there is, when is mine ending? There are so many other things I hope is endless, but sigh is definitely not one of them. As I've mentioned before, only we ourselves are our own best friend. There are so many things we choose to keep to ourselves and there are thousand and one reasons for doing so. There are many things we do not wish to speak of. Probably not because there is no one to turn to, but perhaps we cannot bring ourselves to do so.
I've always like kids and I still do. However it was recently that a thought crossed my mind and that is, is it really good to have kids in the future. The reason is nothing like raising a kid is tough and such. I'm just wondering why are we bringing another life into the world? What's the main point of it? So that we'll have company when we're old? So that the family will be complete? So that the country will have sustainable population? What else? Of course many people are leading great lives and they're having great experiences, but I can't help but feel that there are too much misery involved. Please note that I'm not saying life is meaningless and that one should just give up. As long as u already exisit, you just have to make the best out of it. But I still like kids, so yea. But I'm not sure if it's purely for selfish reasons. Guess it's just how life goes.
It's over. I may not see you again.
At least not often.
Monday, April 02, 2007
It's a slightly dated photo taken on my birthday. Just goped from chui yesterday. Kisses from my dearies.. I likeee itttt..

This too.. Charlie Ah Pek with Angels..
Got so many many many mosquito bites from chui's birthday party yesterday! *grumble grumble* haha. But hope you had fun yesterday ger..
Finally! Finally!! I'm done with AB214 final presentation!! No more scary scary presentations!! What a relieve. Phew~~
Yes, exam's coming. Very very soon. Scary Scary.
But I'm on strike tonight. Really need a good sleep tonight.