the J-junction

Thursday, May 05, 2005

i was so pissed off on the train today! cant believe wat i saw! there was tis old lady carrying big plastic bagS on the train and no one actually offered her a sit! wat's worse was that there were 3 girls in those uniforms, crying out loud - "NURSE IN TRAINING", sitting right in front of the old lady and didnt even offer their sits to her!!! ok. let's be fair. 2 of them were slping, so it's not exactly their fault, but the one in the center was WIDE WAKE! was so tempted to go confront her but didnt afterall. felt lik screaming into her face - "HELLO, ARE YOU BLIND?!" im such a loser!! urgh! guessed all the education she received had gone to waste. it's rather worrying to see that a possibe future nurse does not hav the basic decency to jus let her sit to an old lady. mayb there shld be stricter tests (mayb lik putting them into situations lik tt without them knowing it? and observe their reactions? watever it may be.) to test the personality of future nurses to be. omg, still can believe wat i saw! where are the basic morals of being a decent being?!

despise whoever you are.


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