I've been wanting to put a post right after the telecast of the last match, marking the end of World Cup Germany 2006, which did not end in the most cordial manner. Of cos about the infamous headbutting act of the well respected captain of France, okay ex captain to be exact, Zidane. Just 10 minutes away from the end of his glorious career and it had to happen. What a way to end it. Zidane said he was sorry, but did not regret what he did. oh yea. That's the man!
If Materazzi really did insult Zidane's mum and sister, all the way Zizou! That's how a real man should act! yea! Please take note that I used the word MAN. All humble beings as we are, have feelings. So it's only natural that Zidane will flare up when he heard those insults. This goes to prove that he's a man who treasure his family members alot. I'm definitely not saying that committing henious crimes like murder or sort are pardonable based on the same argument. The headbutting incident is not even a serious crime to speak of, far fetch from it in fact. So what I'm trying to point out is that I'm not saying we ought to condone violence, but cases should be judged on case by case basis. Oh yea and the issue about the violent act affecting children who might have caught it. Oh please, if that act would really have such a great impact on children, parents shouldn't be thinking how Zidane will influence their kids, but rather how MEDIA will affect their kids. But hey look, we've all grown up watching cartoons, movies and shows in which superheros fight the baddies, literally. So did we all grow up being violent people? Well, at least I would not label myself as violent, at least till today. There are of course exceptions to it. It's just like most people are taught their whole life that violence is not right, but does it stop violence from happening? What in this world has no exceptions?? Anyway, on the brighter side, perhaps the incident proved Zidane a really good player, who is deemed as a threat to his competitors if it was a plot to get him off pitch - a compliment afterall. However, I thought it was rather unfair to say that if voters were given the choice again, the Golden Ball Award would not belong to Zidane. I beg to differ. Well, with all said in my opinion, depsite not being a fan of les Bleus, my stand is clear.
Zinedine Zidane - he's the man!
I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow. Sorta regretted it. It's been ages since I woke up before dawn and it's gonna be tough. i better get to sleep. yawnz~
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